About Us
Who We Are and What We Do
Who We Are and What We Do
Covenant Keypers continuous effort to help reduce the divorce rate among Christians is supported by a deliberate and pre-active initiative to teach and train single women, teens, and pre-teens before marriage. We are especially focused on the older women teaching the younger women to be sober, love their husband, and love their children, etc.; and the older men teaching the younger men to be sober, etc. As future families are formed, we believe strong foundations are essential to life-long marriages. Covenant Keypers wants to lead the way in building God-healthy men and women because God-healthy men and women make God-healthy marriages.
The Hickman’s are the founders and directors of Covenant Keypers, Inc. (A Marriage & Woman’s Ministry to Christian Churches, Christian businesses and today’s multicultural community). They have been married only to one another since 1974, and have worked in marriage ministry for over 30 years. They have one son and two grandsons. Gary and Rosalyn reside in Hixson, Tennessee. Building their marriage and home on godly principals from the very first day of their marriage. Gary and Rosalyn have seen God move in a powerful way in their marriage. Because of their marital experiences and “God-granted” successes along the way, God has divinely raised them up, for such a time as this, for the marriage ministry field.
Gary and Rosalyn serve alongside churches throughout this community and beyond, including their home church, Resurrected Baptist Church. They have helped numerous pastors carry out marriage activities in their local churches for many years. Whether planning, coordinating, teaching, speaking, counseling, you name it, the Hickman’s are always ready to serve married couples in any capacity.
In addition to marriage ministry, Mrs. Hickman is also a spiritual counselor to single women, a women’s Bible teacher and a women’s conference and retreat speaker. Mrs. Hickman is a graduate of Richmont Graduate University where she received her masters in Christian Psychological Studies. Gary has an associates degree in business management and served for nearly 37 years in the Bible Quiz Ministry. He now serves as Quiz Master and has been a coach for the elementary, middle and high school divisions in his early years. He continues to provide leadership in the lives of young boys and girls as they hide the Word of God in their hearts. Gary also serves as a deacon in his home church.
Both Gary and Rosalyn are certified Prepare/Enrich Couple to Couple Mentors/Administrators, Certified Marriage Coaches and Mrs. Hickman is a Prepare Enrich Seminar Director.
In today’s ever increasing society, the reality of divorce within our local churches has reached an equally staggering amount. Something must be done! Covenant Keypers would love to partner with you as an individual, Christian church or business, by becoming a CK Partner Truly there is strength in numbers and in partnering with Covenant Keypers, through prayer and/or financial support, we can make a difference in helping to save one of the greatest covenant relationships between a man and a woman that God has instituted for mankind.
A marriage ministry for churches, Christian ministries, & today’s multicultural community.
Covenant Keypers totally believes that marriage and everything about marriage is spiritual. We also believe that because marriage was created by God He is the authority on marriage! Read More What CK Believes About Marriage Ministry. Read CK’s Doctrinal Statement
Meet our CK Volunteers
To establish and promote strong relationships and partnerships with Christian organizations and Christian Churches from all cultures and together develop ongoing God-healthy, life-time marriages throughout the community and beyond that extends to the next generation.
To integrate ongoing marriage and premarital instructive-based initiatives in, through, and for the local church and the surrounding communities
Thank you friends
I want to thank you all for a wonderful day in the Lord. We were all blessed. One of the young ladies commented afterwards that she knew Jesus was with her and for her. All of your effort, all of your prayers, the dedication of your team as well God honored it, He blessed it and He used you for His glory. Just for this one teen, a thousand thank you's.
It is amazing to see the Lord answer our prayers! Praise His Name!! What an important ministry in our day and age! Thank God for your vision, hard work, courage, and devotion to the Lord and His people!
We celebrated MRS giving gift cards and candy to each married couple in honor of their commitment. Thanks for your vision and dedication to local churches and marriages.