Image by <a href="">Mohamed Hassan</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>
Fundraser 2023


20th Annual Fundraiser
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November 7, 2024

Greetings Friends and Associates:

You are invited to our 20th Annual Fundraiser "Marriage God's Mystery Unveiled!"
When: Nov 7, 2024, 7:00 PM Eastern Time.
Where: Brainard BX 4011 Austin Street Chattanooga, TN 37411.
Register in advance by clicking the register button below. Givielify will prompt you to select an amount. Select "Other". Then select one of the three options: Tickets, Tables, and/or Sponsorships. Continue completing the process following the next prompts until completed.

Thomas & Pam
Thomas & Pam
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Stepping Out in Faith

During the COVID-19 shutdown, my husband's barber shop had to close as they were not considered essential workers, so we were without his income for several months. God sent random gifts throughout this time that we are still most grateful for. We continued to tithe during this time.

John & Janice
John & Janice Upton
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In Sickness and in Health

In Jesus Name we press on when we as wives find ourselves on the road of sickness with our spouses. I made a vow to the Lord and my husband before witnesses at our wedding...

Carlos & Frenise
Carlos & Frenise Mann
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For Richer or For Poorer

Mornings with Tabi. Our friends Carlos and Frenise from Covenant Keypers joined us today to give a snapshot of what 21 years of marriage have looked like with a major financial crisis. Listen to this powerful and encouraging testimony of how God always provides!

Anthony & Carrie
Anthony & Carrie Griggs
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In Sickness and in Health

Mornings with Tabi and this morning our friends, Carrie and Anthony, shared a powerful testimony of God's faithfulness. After two cancer diagnoses, Carrie went through a dark season of depression including a suicide attempt. Listen below for their powerful story of redemption and healing!

Jeffery & Anita
Jeffery & Anita Menifee
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In Sickness and in Health

In sickness and in health as long as we both shall live were words I recited during the ceremony conducted by my father almost 34 years ago. Never did I ever think I would have to live out those words in this lifetime.

Steve & Mary
Steve & Mary Reiter
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In Sickness and in Health

Mary and I met way back in high school in Jamaica, New York at a Catholic School dance; she was a pretty girl wearing a parochial school skirt and button down shirt with blond hair and I was attempting to be what we called a love child - long hair, Nehru shirt, black pants and Beatle boots.

Sister Sharon
Sister Sharon
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For Better Or For Worse

I want to take the time out to share a part of my life; MY MARRIAGE with you all. You know when you get married it means a lot. It is "surely" for better or for worse, and that is putting it mildly. When we take those vows, they mean something.

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Building God-Healthy Marriages

One Church at a Time

God created marriage. No government subcommittee envisioned it. No social organization developed it. Marriage was conceived and born in the mind of God

Max Lucado Author

CK's Most Popular Ministriescovenant keypers

Focusing on godliness by centering our life around God's Word.

Women's Ministry director

Holding and teaching Bible Study courses for the generation of today, is what can positively effect and change the generation of tomorrow, when God's in it.

Mrs. H.
Mrs. H.

GCMW Bible Study director

Taking a Biblical approach to teaching men about their role as the man God wants them to be in the home.

Gary Hickman
Gary Hickman

Men's Ministry director

Events & InitiativesCHANGING LIVES

CK’s Annual Fundraiser November 7, 2024

Darryl Lamar Smith was born and raised in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He graduated from Kirkman High School in 1983 and served in the U.S. Army for three years. God saved him in 1991. He was licensed to preach in 1992 and ordained in 1994.

Darryl has been on staff with Cru since 1996, working with high school students at Howard High School in Chattanooga. He served as Chattanooga’s city director for six years and as the southeast regional director for three.

In the summer of 2006, Cru chose Darryl to be the executive director for the high school ministry, where he served until he was chosen as the director of Oneness in Diversity in 2017.

Darryl is married to Gwen, and they have three adult children.

Thank you again for participating in our Annual Fundraiser for 2024! We’re expecting great things that God has in store for us during this coming year! Please click on the flyer or the Givelify button to continue the registration process via Givelify.

In His Name,


Board Meeting Saturday September 14, 2024

CK Zoom Financial Workshop July 27, 2024


Covenant Keypers 2024 Financial Workshop Series with Frenise Mann, Mann Financial Consulting.
Frenise Mann is a Certified Behavioral Financial Advisor. She has obtained a Master’s in Business Administration and Master’s of Science in Finance. She is a business solution specialists, women’s mentor, speaker, author, and multifaceted executive. She is passionate about helping individuals and families leave a financial legacy for the next generation. When she is not engaged in her business endeavors, she enjoys teaching and mentoring the youth and women in business and life.


Chattanooga Convention Center

September 13 – 15, 2024

Click Button Below To Register!

Fundraiser 2023


Greetings Ladies:

The God’s Complete Woman Classes have been scheduled and we are now in prayer mode for the women who God will send our way this year.Please make a note on your calendar to pray and invite women from ages 16 and up to join us this year.  Both Singles, Married, Widows, and Teenagers are all welcome to attend.




It’s Never Too Late To Donate!


 Or Mail to: P. O. Box 340, Hixson, TN 37343


Dr. Clarence Shuler wants to have a conversation with You!

 “All Singles Front and Center”

Click The Video To Meet Dr. Shuler!

National Marriage Recognition Week February 7-14, 2022

Click on the flyer for a printable copy!

Click on the flyer for a printable copy!

Rosalyn Hickman sharing God’s hand in the Coronavirus and how the church is more than just the building we worship in

 Covenant Keypers Fundraiser Event!

Our successful 1st Zoom Fundraiser 2020
Thank You All Participance and Guests!

Video includes music by Renditions album by Smooth Jazz Tribute to Hezekiah Walker “You Covered Me”


Have you spotted this bus downtown yet? Your donations are working and helping to spread the word! We can’t thank you enough for helping to make this possible. As the funds come in, we’ll continue to reach Chattanooga and beyond with the message of Biblical Marriage on church and community at a time!

$30000 raised to date - Thank You! RAISED OF $30000

CK Initiative

Help us keep the biblical message going into all the world and make a difference for our grandchildren and their children. Click the donate button to give any amount God inspires you to give!

Has been completed

Thank You

Take a Sneak Peak Of the Biblical Messages

Please click the title-CK Initiative above to read the rest of the article.

Please click on the poster to the left for a PDF copy of our printable prayer letter. Click Here for more details of CK’s Initiative and tax exempt gift form

Hear What God Says About Marriage!


If you have questions or would like more information about this sermon, please Email Pastor O’Guinn.


Area churches cross color divide to help community

Read the article written by Yolanda Putman, Chattanooga’s Time Free Press July 18th, 2015

There has been no greater time than the present to apply the words of Christ in our lives as individuals to love one another.  The body of believers can make a difference by keeping in mind that our Lord’s prayer was for His children to be a unity of believers.

Covenant Keypers is taking the biblical message of marriage to the next generation!

Click Image to view the slideshow!

Click the image to read Chattanooga Times Free Press’ entire article.

Buy Rosalyn Hickman's Book through Amazon Smile

Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service. Use this link to donate to Covenant Keypers when you shop at

TestimonialsTHEY SAY

  • I want to thank you all for a wonderful day in the Lord. We were all blessed. One of the young ladies commented afterwards that she knew Jesus was with her and for her. All of your effort, all of your prayers, the dedication of your team – well God honored it, He blessed it and He used you for His glory. Just for this one teen, a thousand thank you's.

    Sister Tina
    One Accord Community Church
  • It is amazing to see the Lord answer our prayers! Praise His Name!! What an important ministry in our day and age! Thank God for your vision, hard work, courage, and devotion to the Lord and His people!

    John Smith
    Church Member
  • We celebrated MRS giving gift cards and candy to each married couple in honor of their commitment. Thanks for your vision and dedication to local churches and marriages.

    Pastor Kenneth Ware
    New Sholar Avenue Baptist Church

Articles, Audio & VideoFITLY SPOKEN

Ministerial Resources Sharing the knowledge

Clarence Shular Books

Preferred Printing

Matthew Townley

'Blessed are You O Lord, teach me Your Statutes....'
The point of this verse is a desire to know more about God’s Word, because a teachable spirit begins with the proper regard in the understanding of who God is.

Pastor Eddie D. Jacks